What Chemicals You Need to Keep out of Your Dumpster

cta-img-2As Americans, we use household chemicals on a daily basis. To keep our car running, to clean our homes, to light our rooms, to grow beautiful plants and trees, to manage our lives. But with all that modern convenience comes a toxic footprint that many of us don’t know what to do with. Proper disposal of these caustic chemicals is imperative to the long-term lifeblood of the natural areas around us, our ground water systems and air quality. Leaching chemicals can cause cancers and skin and respiratory abnormalities and may even become fodder for disastrous toxic spills.

Where most Americans know not to dispose of unused household paint and batteries by throwing them in the garbage, many aren’t aware that garden chemicals, batteries, both prescription and over-the-counter medications and even nail polish have a negative effect on our fragile eco-system. So what do you do with them? Avoid placing them with your everyday garbage and never pour them down the drain or flush them down your toilet. Many cities, including the City of Albuquerque, have established household hazardous waste programs in order to help homeowners to rid themselves of toxic items responsibly.

Supporting the municipal efforts to maintain clean garbage collection, we urge our dumpster rental customers to always be aware of just what it is they are throwing away. Even if you have the slightest concern about whether it should be placed in the trash, call a professional to find out. Not only will you help diminish the effect of chemicals on the local environment, you’ll also avoid the fines that can be levied on those who aren’t as conscious of these efforts.

We’d be happy to help you with any of your concerns or questions at 505-596-0986. 

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